Ἀναγωγή in Ancient Greek Exegetical Literature


  • Boris Timofeev, archpriest Moscow Theological Academy




exegetics, hermeneutics, ἀναγωγή, spiritual interpretation, spiritual meaning, patristic exegesis


Ἀναγωγή is quite often used in ancient monuments of Christian theological and exegetical literature in different meanings, which greatly complicates the understanding of this word in each individual case. Within the framework of the exegetical procedure, anagoge is used in a metaphorical meaning and denotes a figurative meaning, and sometimes at the same time a figurative understanding of the text, when it comes to the metaphorical content of figures of speech, or the presence of a mystical allegorical meaning. Modern Russian biblical science tends to see in ἀναγωγή a certain spiritual method/meaning of the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures (most often it means the eschatological interpretation). When this model is transferred to the soil of ancient exegetical literature, then a contradiction arises between the modern definition and the originality of the language of ancient authors. Within the framework of this article, an attempt is made to consider the main meanings of ἀναγωγή in ancient exegetical monuments.


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Author Biography

Boris Timofeev, archpriest, Moscow Theological Academy

senior lecturer at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia




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How to Cite

Timofeev Б. Ἀναγωγή in Ancient Greek Exegetical Literature. БВ 2021, 254-279.



Greek Christian writing


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