Some Examples of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture to Substantiate the Dogmatic Provisions of St. Basil the Great and John of Caesarea


  • Kozhukhov Sergey A., deacon Moscow Theological Academy



Basil the Great, John of Caesarea Grammarian, Eunomius, deity, humanity, doctrinal exegesis


This study examines doctrinal exegesis and the method of its application by St. Basil the Great in polemics with the extreme Arian Eunomius and John the Caesarian Grammarian in the dispute over the teaching of the Council of Chalcedon about the two natures in Christ after the incarnation. Both authors adhere to the distinction between divine and human natures. The proof of such a difference was built on a differentiable interpretation of the passages of St. Scripture that speaks about the deity and about the humanity of Christ. This important dogmatic position was denied by Eunomius and questioned by the opponents of the Council of Chalcedon.


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Author Biography

Kozhukhov Sergey A., deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology

Associate Professor at the Biblical Studies Department at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Kozhukhov С. Some Examples of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture to Substantiate the Dogmatic Provisions of St. Basil the Great and John of Caesarea. БВ 2021, 90-108.





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