«Anthropological Determinism» as the Development of the «Anthropic Principle» of Physics of the Twentieth Century in Line with Biblical Cosmology


  • Rupova Rozaliya M. Moscow Theological Academy; Russian State Social University




anthropic principle, biblical cosmology, Christian anthropology, the question of technique


The article substantiates the incompleteness of the so-called «anthropic principle», formulated by American astrophysicists in the twentieth century, indicating only the fact of the simple presence of man in the Universe. Based on the biblical cosmology and anthropology, which affirms the central position of man in the world, the author proposes to introduce a clarifying principle — «anthropological determinism», which allows to take into account the factor of man's active influence on the world around him on an expanding scale with the growth of civilization. Tracing the anthropocosmic connections, the author examines the doctrinal principles of the Council of Chalcedon, which make it possible to derive from them anthropological consequences concerning the influence of man on nature. In addition, the article provides a historical overview of the problem of technique, which is generally important for the problem under consideration, and also outlines the ways of integrating technique into the construction of Christian culture.


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Author Biography

Rupova Rozaliya M., Moscow Theological Academy; Russian State Social University

Doctor of Philosophical Science

Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy

Associate Professor at the Department of Theology at the Russian State Social University

Academy, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Rupova Р. М. «Anthropological Determinism» As the Development of the «Anthropic Principle» of Physics of the Twentieth Century in Line With Biblical Cosmology. БВ 2021, 79-89.



Science Apologetics
