Theology as An Exact Science: pro et contra


  • Rupova Rosaliya M. Moscow Theological Academy; Russian University of State for Social



theology, Eastern Christian tradition, exact sciences, episteme


The article provides an overview of the formation of modern theological discourse as a section of scientific knowledge. As a result of understanding the sociocultural aspects of the dramatic events of the twentieth century, as well as as a result of heated discussions, recognition of theology as one of the humanities was achieved in the domestic scientific and educational space. The author raises the question that Orthodox theology, touching on the deep issues of human existence and, therefore, relating to the humanities «by definition», can at the same time be considered as an «exact science» — due to the fundamental «distinction» of its discursive means, conceptual apparatus, experimental and anthropological base (ascesis). Moreover, the indicated characteristics of the Eastern Christian tradition allow us to consider it as a scientific episteme. At the same time, the historical transformations of the theoretical foundations of such recognized exact sciences as mathematics, physics, and astronomy give reason to question their recognition as «exact».


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Author Biography

Rupova Rosaliya M. , Moscow Theological Academy; Russian University of State for Social

doctor of philosophical science, associate professor at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141312, Russia

associate professor at the Department of Modern Axiological Problems and Religious Thought at the Russian University of State for Social

4/1, Wilhelm Pieck’s st., Moscow, 129226, Russia


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How to Cite

Rupova Р. М. Theology As An Exact Science: Pro Et Contra. БВ 2024, 89-99.



Theology and philosophy
