Some Aspects of the Interpretation of the Old Testament Prophecies in the New Testament: The View of Theodore of Mopsuestia
Theodore of Mopsuestia, hermeneutics, exegesis, patrology, accommodation, Antioch school, New Testament interpretation, prophecyAbstract
The New Testament interpretation of the Old Testament prophecies became the basis of the methodology of Christian exegesis of the texts of the Old Testament. Traditionally, the authority of Christ and the apostles has always remained unshakable for interpreters. However, at the end of the 4th century, in the Antiochian exegetical tradition (in the environment of the Alexandrian school, due to the specifics of the allegorical method, this could not happen), a new rational approach to the analysis and valuation of New Testament interpretations of prophetic texts appeared. Theodore of Mopsuestia revises the exegesis of New Testament authors and church tradition. In his works, he sharply raises the question of the correspondence of the New Testament interpretation to the context of the prophetic books. As a result, the exegete raises a set of problems that remain relevant to modern biblical scholarship and patrology in our time.
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