Religious Policy and Theological Content of the Imperial Letters: «Encyclicals» by Basiliscus, «Enotikon» by Zinon and «Tipos» by Anastasius I

Part 1


  • Kozhukhov Sergey, deacon Moscow Theological Academy



Encyclical, Basilisk, Flavian of Constantinople, Acacius of Constantinople, Eutychius, Dioscorus of Alexandria, nicene Council, Chalcedon Council, Ephesian Council, nicene Symbol, Robber Ephesian Council, seventh rule, innovations, two natures


This study examines the church policy of Emperor Basilisk (475–476) and offers a theological analysis of his decree entitled «Encyclical», which became the first official imperial document directed against the Council of Chalcedon (451) and his doctrine of the two natures in Christ after the incarnation. The «Encyclical» places the Council of Chalcedon outside the church tradition, contrasting it with the Three previous Ecumenical Councils. Against this background, the analysis of the seventh rule of the Council of Ephesus (431), the position of Dioscorus of Alexandria and the accompanying historical events is given.


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Author Biography

Kozhukhov Sergey, deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Associate Professor at the Biblical Studies Department at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Kozhukhov С. Religious Policy and Theological Content of the Imperial Letters: «Encyclicals» by Basiliscus, «Enotikon» by Zinon and «Tipos» by Anastasius I: Part 1. БВ 2022, 119-133.

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