The Concept of Anagoge in the Exegetical Works of St. Jerome of Stridon (345–420) and Subsequent Latin Exegetical Tradition
biblical exegesis, biblical hermeneutics, Latin tradition, st. Hieronymus of Stridon, anagoge, spiritual interpretationAbstract
At present, in Russian scientific and educational literature, the term of Latin exegesis anagoge is usually understood as the eschatological meaning of Holy Scripture. A large number of ancient Latin authors who use the term do indeed demonstrate just such an understanding. This in some cases leads to too broad a generalization and gives the impression that all exegetes use the term in this sense. However, it must be borne in mind that in Latin exegetical literature st. Jerome was the first to use anagoge on the basis of the meaning of ἀναγωγή among Greek interpreters, who often used this word to denote any spiritual interpretation. So, St. Jerome denotes anagoge all kinds of spiritual sense of Scripture. In the subsequent Latin tradition, the semantic field of this term has repeatedly changed, as a rule, towards a narrower specification of meaning. Within the framework of this article, an attempt is made to determine the main meanings of anagoge in Latin exegetical literature, which will contribute to a more correct and clear understanding of both the terminology and the hermeneutic methods of the ancient Latin interpreters.
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