Theodore of Mopsuestia. A Preface to the Commentary on the Book of Prophet Jonah

A translation from Ancient Greek and introduction by priest Boris Timofeev


  • Timofeev Boris, priest Мoscow Theological Аcademy



Theodore of Mopsuestia, typology, exegesis, the Old Testament, Prophets’ books, Book of Prophet Jonah, prophecies about Christ


The article presents a Russian translation of the Preface to the commentary on the Book of Prophet Jonah by the famous fourth century exegete Theodore of Mopsuestia. The text is preceded by a commentary where it is argued that the author is an original exegete committed to the typological method of reading the Holy Scripture. The main point of the Preface is to justify all the subsequent typological methods that Theodore uses for interpreting the books of the Holy Scripture. The Prophets’ books, like all the Old Testament events, are seen through the prism of typology, and are interpreted as shadows and prototypes predicting Christ the Saviour.


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Author Biography

Timofeev Boris, priest, Мoscow Theological Аcademy

candidate of Theology, lector in Мoscow Theological Аcademy


Facundus Hermianensis. Pro defensione trium Capitulorum Consilii Chalchedonensis 2, 2: 15, 109-114 / I.-M. Clément, R. V. Plaester, ed. Turnholti: Brepols, 1974. (CCSL, 90 a)

Devreesse R. Essai sur Théodore de Mopsueste. Città del Vaticano, 1948 (Studi et Testi, 141).

Guinot J.-N. La cristallisation ďun différend: Zorobabel dans ľexégèse de Théodore de Mopsueste et de Théodoret de Cyr // Augustinianum. 1984. Vol. 24. P. 527-547.

Schäublin Ch. Untersuchungen zu Methode und Herkunft der Antiochenischen Exegese. Köln-Bonn, 1974 (Theophania, 23).

Theodorus Mopsuestenus. Commentarius in prophetas minores / H. N. Sprenger, ed. Wiesbaden, 1977. (Göttinger Orientforschungen; V. Reihe: Biblica et Patristica, 1).

Vosté J.-M. La Chronologie de l'activité littéraire de Théodore de Mopsueste // Revue Biblique. 1925. Vol. 34. P. 54-81.



How to Cite

Timofeev Б. Theodore of Mopsuestia. A Preface to the Commentary on the Book of Prophet Jonah: A Translation from Ancient Greek and Introduction by Priest Boris Timofeev. БВ 2015, 258-272.



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