Theological and Exegetical Foundations of some Translation Solutions in BTD (Based on Chapters 1–12 of the Gospel of Luke). Part III
the Gospel, translation, German language, Russian translations, Byzantine text, semantics, synonyms, grammar, textual variants, lexical HebraismsAbstract
The article continues the analysis of the new German translation of the Four Gospels in the Byzantine tradition (BTD). This time a number of passages from the Gospel of Luke are considered. The major theme of the article is interpretation of semantic force of some Greek words — including the issue of lexical Hebraisms which is discussed in section 1 — based on lexicographical material, and also on contextual and theological considerations. It shows that BTD offers in a number of cases a more nuanced translation than is usual. Issues of textual criticism are also discussed. In one case arguments for the Byzantine text against the NANTG reading are presented (section 6). The author notes strong and weak points in the modern Russian translations of the relevant passages.
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