Artistic Images in the Commentary of Ambrosiaster on the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans in the Context of Western Christian Literature
Ambrosiaster, Epistle of Paul to the Romans, Western Christian literature, artistic images, exegesis of the epistles of the apostle PaulAbstract
Ambrosiaster’s commentary on Rom. is without a doubt the central work in the literary legacy of the ancient Roman author. The influence of this and his other works on the Western Christian Church is quite significant. However, not all aspects of the dissemination of the ideas of Ambrosiaster are still satisfactorily clarified. In particular, the artistic images of the author and their influence on the subsequent literary tradition of the West have not yet been investigated. In this paper, the basis for solving this problem is laid. The artistic images of Ambrosiaster in the interpretation of Rome are highlighted and discussed. Some of them, with a certain originality, are an integral part of the universal Christian tradition, such as the «sea of life», «Christ is the victor of hell», «seeds of righteousness», etc. However, some of them can be called quite unique, such as the «staircase of Adam», «Decrepit clothes on top of a new one», «enemies — extinct coals», «earthly king — spiritual teacher», etc. An attempt is made to clarify the subsequent dissemination of these images in Latin literature.
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