The Church Policy of Emperor Anastasios I and the Theological Content of the «Typos»
Part 3
Typos, Chalcedon Council, Anastasius I, Severus of Antioch, Philoxenus of Mabbug, Chalcedonians, Monophysites, two natures, one natureAbstract
This paper is the third part of a study on the ecclesiastical policy of the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire: Basilisk, Zeno and Anastasios I, during whose reign decrees were issued respectively: «Encyclical», «Enoticon», «Typos» concerning religious church life. The main issue they addressed was the relationship to the Council of Chalcedon, which approved the doctrine of two natures and one hypostasis in Christ. The author examines the historical background in which the reign of Emperor Anastasius I began, his relationship with the followers of Chalcedon, as well as his opponents Severus of Antioch and Philoxenus of Mabbug, and the conditions for the appearance of the «Typos». The article presents the opinions of modern researchers regarding the authorship and time of the appearance of the «Typos», its translation into Russian is given, and the theological content of the «Typos» is analyzed.
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