The Sentences of the Montanists in the Works of Ancient Authors of the II–IV Centuries
Montan, Maximilla, Priscilla/Prisca, Quintilla, Montanism, Phrygian schism,, «the new prophecy», ancient testimonies about Montanism, Montanist oraclesAbstract
This article contains the surviving sentences of Montan and his followers. It is noteworthy that the following is a summary of the writings of Montan and his followers, which have been preserved mainly in quotations from Christian writers who polemicized against Montanism. A theological analysis of the sentences is attempted and the main points contained in them are formulated. For the work used primary sources, including previously not translated into Russian. Some works or fragments belonging to different authors of the II–III centuries, preserving sayings of Montan, his associates Maximilla and Priscilla or their closest associates, are studied. Special consideration is given to the sayings cited by Tertullian, the famous defender of Montanism. The remarks of Montan and his supporters, preserved in quotations, are also examined in the writings of some Christian authors of the fourth century, in particular St. Epiphanius of Cyprus.
Didymus Alexandrinus. De Trinitate // PG. T. 39. Col. 269–992.
Epiphanius (Ancoratus und Panarion). Bd. 2. Panarion haer. 34–64 / hrsg. K. Holl. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1922. (GCS; Bd. 31).
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