The Church Policy of the Emperor Zeno and the Theological Content of the «Henoticon»


  • Kozhukhov Sergey, Deacon Moscow Theological Academy



Henoticon, Emperor Zenon, Ecumenical Councils, Nicene Symbol, Second Ephesian Council, Cyril of Alexandria, Dioscorus of Alexandria, twelve anathematisms, Theopaschite formula, God the Word, Incarnation, Formulas of Unity


In the first part of our small study, we outlined the main milestones of the church policy of three emperors: Basiliscus, Zeno and Anastasius I, and also examined the theological content of the «Encyclical» of Emperor Basiliscus. In this publication we will examine the attitude of Emperor Zinon to the Council of Chalcedon, his actions in the field of church policy and the theological content of the «Henoticon» (482), with which he tried to find a compromise between the followers and opponents of the Council of Chalcedon. However, on the contrary, this created a number of difficult problems that led to the predominance of the anti-сhalcedonian party and the severance of communion with the Roman Church. The study analyzes the theological content of the « Henoticon» and especially concerns three aspects: the recognition of only the first three Ecumenical Councils as authoritative, the mention of the twelve anathematisms of St. Cyril of Alexandria, the presence of the Theopaschite formula in the «Henoticon».


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Author Biography

Kozhukhov Sergey, Deacon, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Associate Professor at the Biblical Studies Department at the Moscow Theological
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Kozhukhov С. The Church Policy of the Emperor Zeno and the Theological Content of the «Henoticon». БВ 2022, 79-102.





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