Features of the View of Theodore of Mopsuestia on Prophetic Revelation
prophetic inspiration, hermeneutics, exegesis, Antiochian theologycal school, Theodore of Mopsuestia, messianic meaning, limits of prophetic revelationAbstract
One of the fundamental foundations of the hermeneutic method of revealing the prophetic text is the concept of prophetic revelation. As a rule, the set of methods, and most importantly, the logic and strategy of parsing the providential message, depend on the views of the exegete on this issue. The well-known representative of the Antiochian exegetical tradition, Theodore of Mopsuestia, known for his critical view of the messianic interpretation of Old Testament prophecies, is also no exception. Understanding his views on the features of prophetic revelation opens up the possibility for a more complete understanding of the hermeneutic system of this ancient author and other approaches to the interpretation of Holy Scripture.
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