Peace as a Sacrament in the Liturgical Theology of Fr. Alexander Schmemann


  • Rupova Rozaliya M. Moscow Theological Academy; Russian State Social University



liturgical theology, neo-patristic synthesis, the Eucharist, Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann, the Parisian school, sacrament


The article touches upon the issues of secularism, which is considered by Fr.Alexander Schmemann as an «anthropological heresy» that undermines the understanding of man as a being who worships God, for whom worship is the main act that simultaneously defines and shapes human nature. Liturgical theology of A. Schmemann paves the way for the actualization in our time of the true meaning and power of worship, which means the disclosure of its cosmic, ecclesiological and eschatological dimension and content. Perceiving the world as a Sacrament included in the liturgical act, one can regain the lost eucharistic being of man. The author substantiates the belonging of the theology of Alexander Schmemann to the direction of neo-patristic synthesis, which is relevant today, which has far from exhausted its creative potential.


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Author Biography

Rupova Rozaliya M., Moscow Theological Academy; Russian State Social University

Doctor of Philosophical Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies at the Moscow Theological Academy, Associate Professor at the Department of Theology at the Russian State Social University

Academy, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Russian Federation, 141300


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How to Cite

Rupova Р. М. Peace As a Sacrament in the Liturgical Theology of Fr. Alexander Schmemann. БВ 2022, 96-106.



Theology and philosophy
