Theological and Exegetical Foundations of Some Translation Solutions in BTD

(Based on the Gospel of John). Part 5


  • Nil (Lazarenco), monk Orthodoxe Mönchsskite des Heiligen Spyridon



the Gospel, translation, Byzantine text, polysemy, grammar, textual variants, theology


The present article is the last one in the series of articles devoted to the Four Gospels. It deals with the Gospel of John. More than the previous four articles the present one shows how closely philology, linguistics, and theology are intertwined. In the rst section we discuss the polysemy of the Greek word ἄνωθεν used in John 3 and we provide arguments for interpreting it as «from above» and not «again» as it is done often. The second section is devoted to the absolute usage of the expression Ἐγώ εἰμι. Theological connotations of this phrase can hardly be conveyed in translations. This expression on the lips of Jesus alludes to a number of the Old Testament passages, where God speaks about Himself that «he is». In this way the expression is an inderect witness to the divinity of Jesus. At the same time it retains its basic meaning of selfidenti cation. The third section deals with the expression ψυχὴ τιθέναι. We show that in the scriptural and dogmatic contexts the meaning of «laying down one’s life» is not identical with that of «laying down one’s soul». The second option is a better translation of the Greek phrase. Finally, in the fourth section we provide linguistic and theological reasons for the uncommon rendering of John 17, 2 by the BTD.


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Author Biography

Nil (Lazarenco), monk, Orthodoxe Mönchsskite des Heiligen Spyridon

PhD in Philology
Orthodoxe Mönchsskite des Heiligen Spyridon
Lahnstraße 31, 56379 Geilnau, Germany


Byzantinischer Text Deutsch - die Evangelien / übersetzt von S’chi-Archimandrit Justin (Rauer). Biel-Bienne: Schweizerische Bibelgesellschaft, 2018.

Joannes Climacus. Liber ad pastorem // PG. T. 88. Col. 1165-1209.

Origenes.Commentarii in epistulam ad Romanos // PG. T. 14. Col. 837-1291.

Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη. Κείμενο-Μετάφραση στὴ δημοτική. Ἑλληνικὴ Βιβλικὴ Ἑταιρία, 2006.

Иоанн Лествичник, прп. Слово к пастырю // Иоанн Лествичник, прп. Лествица. М.: Изд. Сретенского монастыря, 2002. C. 250-270.

Beutler J. Das Johannesevangelium. Kommentar. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2013.

Blass F., Debrunner A. Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch / bearbeitet von F. Rehkopf. Göttingen: Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, 151979.

Lampe G. W. H. (Ed.). A Patristic Greek Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.



How to Cite

Lazarenco Н. Theological and Exegetical Foundations of Some Translation Solutions in BTD: (Based on the Gospel of John). Part 5. БВ 2022, 42-55.



Biblical studies
