Review on: Eidelkind Y. Song of Songs. Translation and philological commentary for chapters 1-3. Moscow: RGGU, 2015 (Orientalia et Classica 53.1–2).


  • Skobelev Mikhail A. Orthodox St Tikhon’s University of Humanities



In 2015, the publishing house of the Russian State University for the Humanities published a new translation of the first three chapters of the book Song of Songs with an accompanying philological commentary. Translation and commentary by Ya. D. Eydelkind. The edition consists of two parts: the first contains an isagogical introduction (135 pages), the second - the author's translation of the first three chapters of the text of the Song with a detailed philological and exegetical commentary (300 pages). Taking into account the specifics of biblical books, which requires the researcher not only to know the original languages ​​of the Holy Scriptures: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, but also to be especially sensitive to the sacred word, and, in addition, to master a huge layer of special scientific literature, the appearance of such a commentary in Russian , albeit incomplete, since the Song consists of eight chapters, it can be called an event.


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How to Cite

Skobelev М. А. Review On: Eidelkind Y. Song of Songs. Translation and Philological Commentary for Chapters 1-3. Moscow: RGGU, 2015 (Orientalia Et Classica 53.1–2). БВ 2021, 482-489.



