Between Theology and Text Criticism as Interpreted on the Psalms by Hans-Joachim Kraus


  • Iriney (Pikovskiy), hieromonk Sretensky Theological Seminary



Bible, Psalter, Bible translations, exegesis, biblical theology, theological translation, historical-critical method, divine inspiration


One of those German scholars who tried to combine the theological with the historical-critical approach to the Scriptures studies was Hans-Joachim Kraus (1918–2000). Kraus’s most famous work is a three-volume commentary on the Psalter. Using the exegesis of Psalms 109 and 131 as an example, the author of this article shows how Kraus balanced between theology and historical criticism. For this, an analysis of his premises of the faith in the living God is carried out. I try to demonstrate Kraus’s methodology in reconstructing the historical cultic environment in which the biblical poems were formed. As my study shows, Kraus actively uses non-biblical sources, conducts theological analysis of manuscripts, showing what role the psalms could play in the veneration of Zion and Jerusalem king. Kraus avoids the use of typology and allegory and is cautious about fulfilling Old Testament prophecy in the New Testament. As a scientist, he argues that Scripture contains factual information that can be believed. His strictly academic and at the same time Christian-reverent approach to Bible study, in my opinion, can serve as an answer to the question: how can faith be combined with scientific investigation of the Bible.


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Author Biography

Iriney (Pikovskiy), hieromonk, Sretensky Theological Seminary

Lecturer at the Sretensky Theological Seminary
3, building 17 Bol’shaja Lubjanka, Moscow 115035, Russia


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How to Cite

Pikovskiy И. Between Theology and Text Criticism As Interpreted on the Psalms by Hans-Joachim Kraus. БВ 2021, 37-55.



Biblical studies
