The “neochalcedonism” of John of Caesarea: The term ἐνυπόστατον and unus de Trinitate passus est carne


  • Sergius Kozhukhov Moscow Theological Academy



Neoсhalcedonism, John of Caesarea the Grammarian, Cyril of Alexandria, Dell’Osso, hypostasis, inhypostasized, ἐνυπόστατον, unus de Trinitate passus est carne, God Word, Chalcedon.


This article considers the validity and meaning of the “neochalcedonian” approach to interpreting the dogmatic definitions of the Council of Chalcedon and Christology St. Cyril of Alexandria. The of the most important aspect of this controversy concerns two formulae “One of the Trinity suffered carnally” (unus de Trinitate passus est carne) and “inhypostasized” ἐνυπόστατον explaining the connection of the two natures in the hypostasis of the Word afterthe incarnation. Western contemporary tradition highlights the second formula because it is a fundamental concept of the definition of neochalcedonism of an author V-VII centuries. This formula is attributed to Scythian Latin speaking monks, who, being grounded in the theology of Blessed Augustine, introduced this concept to the East. The formula “One of the Trinity suffered carnally” formed the basis of the doctrine of the connection of the Word with Its flesh the Fifth Ecumenical Council. Italian academic K. Dell Osso sees this as a victory of Western theology, the genius of which has made the most accurate christological definition that perfectly combines the unity and duality of natures in the incarnate Word. It was this formula that the theology of St. Cyril and of Chalcedon combined to form our faith that is today. This, in his opinion, is the true neochalcedonism and an absolute novelty. The formula ἐνυπόστατον, entered into use in the East at about the same time and complements the first formula. The A. seeks to show that in Eastern theology, regardless of any Latin influence, from the middle of the fifth century the formula “unus de Trinitate passus est carne” in its Greek equivalent was known and actively used. Reasons for its appearance we can already find in the christology of St. Cyril. Both formulae are used later by John of Caesarea, indicating a synthesis of the faith of Chalcedon and St. Cyril - a “Cyrillian chalcedonism”. This is not a new Chalcedonian faith, which involves the term “neochalcedonism”, but rather the expression of that same faith by means of new terms and formulae. This is the “Cyrilian chalcedonism”, which embodies the doctrine of the connection of the Word with Its flesh. One of the first exponents of this “Cyrilian chalcedonism” and was John of Caesarea.


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Author Biography

Sergius Kozhukhov , Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, assistant professor of the department of Biblical Studies MThA


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How to Cite

Kozhukhov С. The “neochalcedonism” of John of Caesarea: The Term ἐνυπόστατον and Unus De Trinitate Passus Est Carne. БВ 2018, 72-95.





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