The Original Damage in Eastern Orthodox Theology: To the Question of the Inheritance of Sin

Рart 2


  • Elimanov Vadim E. Moscow Theological Academy
  • Adrian (Pashin), hegumen / Pashin Alexander V. Moscow Theological Academy



the original sin, the ancestral sin, the original damage, sin, personal sin, the sacrament of baptism, passion, mortality, corruption, decomposition, corruption of nature, corruption of will, will, the sin of the ancestors, Adam and Eve, guilt, sinless passions, sinful passions, deification, pelagianism


The final part of the article describes the doctrine of the original sin and its consequences in Eastern and Western theology in the context of the interpretation of Rom. 5, 12. In particular, three variants of the translation of the expression «ἐφ ᾧ πάντες ἥμαρτον» in patristic Eastern theology are considered: «by reason of which [death] all have sinned», «because all have sinned», «in him [in Adam] all have sinned». The differences in the understanding of original damage in Eastern theology, Pelagian doctrine and in the teaching of Augustine of Hippo. The article states that, according to Orthodox theology, every person has a mortal, corruptible, passionate nature for two reasons: because he inherited it as such from his parents at birth, and also because of his personal sins and his personal distance from God as the source of being and life. The meaning of the sacrament of Baptism is seen in Orthodox theology not to absolve a person of guilt for Adam’s sin or to wash away some «substantial sin» from him, but to become a member of the Body of Christ and receive the «firstfruits» («ἀπαρχή») of deification, without which every person is outside of God, outside of salvation. The conclusion is that orthodox theology avoids two extremes: both determinism and pelagianism. On the one hand, it rejects 1) «moderate augustinianism» (moderate determinism), according to which the free will of each person (apart from the «will» of the person himself!) tends to commit sin, but the person can and must resist this tendency, and 2) «strict augustinianism» (strict determinism), which proclaims that a person has no free will before receiving Baptism, since he cannot help but sin (the determinism of Blessed Augustine). On the other hand, the pelagian doctrine is rejected that after the fall (as well as before the fall) man experiences no obstacles in his striving for God and that as far as salvation is concerned, man’s existence in his fallen state is fundamentally no different from the existence of his ancestors in paradise before the fall.


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Author Biographies

Elimanov Vadim E., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, senior teacher at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141312, Russia

Adrian (Pashin), hegumen / Pashin Alexander V., Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, PhD in Theology, Associate Professor

Professor at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141312, Russia


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How to Cite

Elimanov В. Е.; Pashin А. The Original Damage in Eastern Orthodox Theology: To the Question of the Inheritance of Sin: Рart 2. БВ 2024, 32-57.



Theology and philosophy
