The Original Damage in Eastern Orthodox Theology: To the Question of the Inheritance of Sin
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the original sin, the ancestral sin, the original damage, sin, personal sin, passion, mortality, corruption, corruption of nature, corruption of will, will, the sin of the ancestors, Adam and Eve, guilt, sinless passions, sinful passions, deificationAbstract
The first part of the article is devoted to the study of the teachings of the Eastern holy fathers about the inherited consequences of the original sin. The purpose of the article is to determine: 1) what exactly is inherited and 2) what exactly is not inherited by each person from the ancestors. The reasons of Adam and Eve’s sin as their personal choice are investigated. The consequences of the original sin, transmitted to each person from birth, are considered, namely: passion, mortality, corruption of the physical body, called «corruption of nature». It is noted that a reasonable human soul is created by God immaculate and sinless. Unlike the body, the intelligent soul does not inherit anything from its parents or grandparents. She also does not directly inherit any inclination, predisposition to sin, or any kind of moral sinfulness. But the «corruption of nature», and through it the fallen spirits, incline and predispose the rational soul of man to commit sin, but do not predetermine its choice. When committing a personal sin, a person acquires the «corruption of will». In turn, the «corruption of will» generates the following changes in the rational soul: passion as its susceptibility to reproachful (sinful) passions (i. e., a stable sinful habit), voluntary enslavement to the devil and spiritual death, i. e., cutting off from the saving Divine grace. Eastern Patristic theology also clearly and definitely asserts that a person does not inherit 1) guilt for the personal sin of the ancestors, 2) sinful natural will, 3) sinful (reproachful) passions of a rational soul, 4) «substantial» evil or any kind of moral «spiritual impurity». Evil as «corruption of will» is a consequence of an exclusively personal choice of the person himself.
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