The Meaning of the Metaphor «and your bones shall flourish» (Is 66:14; Sir 46:14; 49:12) in a Biblical Context: Ecclesiastical Tradition and Modern Biblical Scholarship
metaphor, suggestivenessbones, bones, resurrection, «Hymn to the Fathers», the Wisdom of Ben Sira, the prophet Isaiah, Masoretic text, Septuagint, biblical criticism, Trito-IsaiahAbstract
The article studies the meaning of the metaphor «and your bones shall flourish like young herbs» in the book of the prophet Isaiah (66, 14) and in a slightly different wording «May their bones flourish from their place» in the Wisdom of Ben Sira (46, 14; 49, 12). The relationship between the biblical quotations is obvious. If in the book of Isaiah, we read a prophecy about the righteous (servants of the Lord), in the Wisdom of Ben Sira we deal with a wish of the author himself, which he addressed to the judges of Israel (Sir. 46, 14) and minor prophets (Sir. 49, 12). As the research demonstrates, the idiom «flourishing bones» in the biblical context indicates divine patronage. However, how exactly will this patronage be manifested? The answer to this question varies considerably in the history of biblical exegesis. The article presents the understanding of the stated metaphor by both traditional Church exegetes and modern critical biblical scholars, analyses the context of the biblical fragments mentioned, terms, translations.
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