Ambrosiaster: The Story of the Search for a ‘Real’ Name


  • Lysevich Andrey, priest Moscow Theological Academy
  • Theodorite (Tikhonov), bishop Moscow Theological Academy



Ambrosiaster, the epistles of the Apostle Paul, exegesis, Latin Christian literature, the problem of authorship


In the West, a fairly large number of attempts have already been made to remove the veil of anonymity from the ancient Roman exegete, which received the pseudonym «Ambrosiaster». However, the content of scienti c discourse in this direction, scattered in various foreign publications, for the most part remains outside the research eld of Russian theological science. In this work, we do not pretend to solve the problem of authorship of Ambrosiaster, but try to give a detailed overview of it. We will discuss the history of the search for the «real» name of the investigated author and describe the main ndings of the most signi cant publications in this direction. The nal part of the work discusses the assumptions of various researchers regarding the native language, education, origin and cleric status of Ambrosiaster.


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Author Biographies

Lysevich Andrey, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, Senior Teacher at the Department of Theology of the Moscow Theological Academy,
Vice-Rector for Licensing and Accreditation of the Moscow Theological Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141312, Russia

Theodorite (Tikhonov), bishop, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141312, Russia


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How to Cite

Lysevich А.; Tikhonov Ф. Ambrosiaster: The Story of the Search for a ‘Real’ Name. БВ 2022, 88-109.



