Saint Meletius of Antioch. On the Treason of Judas (CPG 3425/1)

A Russian Translation from Old Georgian and an Introduction by Priest Sergey Kim


  • Kim Sergey, priest Moscow Theological Academy



Patristics, Christian East, Meletius of Antioch, Old Georgian translations


The article presents the first Russian translation of the Old Georgian homily on the Treason of Judas by Saint Meletius of Antioch, CPG 3425/1. The original Georgian text preserved in one single manuscript remains inedited. We are preparing an edition of the Old Georgian original on the ground of the Athonite manuscript dating back to the tenth century. The homily is ascribed to Saint Meletius, bishop of Antioch, and is one of the cycle of nine sermons for the Holy Week surviving in Old Georgian and in Classical Armenian. The preacher proves a genuine poet while narrating the Gospel events. The present publication is conceived to be the first one in the series of works on the Caucasian heritage of Saint Meletius of Antioch.


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Author Biography

Kim Sergey, priest, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Philology, Lecturer of the Philology department of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Kim С. (2019). Saint Meletius of Antioch. On the Treason of Judas (CPG 3425/1): A Russian Translation from Old Georgian and an Introduction by Priest Sergey Kim. The Metaphrast, (2 (2), 95–105.



Editions and translations
