Practical Theology of Saint John of Kronstadt
theology, Russian Orthodox Church, practical theology, pastoral theology, Saint John of KronstadtAbstract
The article analyzes the theological orientation of the pastoral Ministry of Saint John of Kronstadt. At the same time, erroneous ideas are refuted, according to which Archpriest John, being completely immersed in the spiritual care of the all-Russian flock, never engaged in theology. Such views led to the fact that «for Russian theology, as prot. G. Florovsky,- the value of the prot. John has not yet been fully identified». Further, the author traces the creative path of father John as a student of the Theological Academy, analyzes his PhD thesis «On the Cross of Christ», and his further reflections on the Divine economy and the Holy Eucharist. At the same time, an important note is made: Archpriest John was never a professional theologian, because both pastoral care and theology were not a profession for him, but a vocation. Against this background, the specificity of theological creativity inherent in father John is revealed.
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