St Cyril of Alexandria. An Epistle to the Egyptian Monks
A translation from the Ancient Greek language, an introductory article and notes by Fr Theodore (Yulaev)
The first part of St Cyril of Alexandria's Works, published in 1880 as part of the "Works of the Holy Fathers in Russian Translation", attached to the Moscow Theological Academy, was the first issue of the TSO to appear after an eight-year forced hiatus (1872-1880) caused by lack of money. The last, 15th part, published in 1912, was one of the last issues of TSO before the revolutionary events which cut it short. The last issue of TSO, published in 1912, was one of the last issues before the revolutionary events cut it short.Downloads
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Cyrille d'Alexandrie. Dix-septième festale (429) // Lettres festales XII-XVII / Texte grec par W. H. Burns. Traduction et annotation par M. Boulnois et B. Menier. SC 434. Paris, 1998. P. 251-299.
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