The Doctrine of St. Nicetas Stethatus on the ‘Four Main Virtues’ in the Context of Ancient Byzantine Literature. Part I


  • Dionisij (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy


asceticism, Studite monastery, virtues, passions, the main virtue, symbolism of the number four, aretology


In the XI century a monk of the Studite monastery St. Nicetas Stethatus in the ascetic-theological corpus of his writings repeatedly used the expressions “main virtues” and “main passions”. The article attempts to uncover the meaning of the expression “main virtues”, to systematize the author’s ideas about the four main virtues, known to him from the ancient tradition through Christian authors, who continued to use this expression freely. The general context makes it possible to reveal the originality of the author, who compares the “four main virtues” with the fourfold part of the human soul as a great world compared to the external, small, world, which, according to ancient concepts, consisted of four primary elements. Particularly, an even more detailed comparison of the four virtues with the four abilities of the higher part of the soul, the mind, is considered. Along with this, the A. compares the five senses of the body and the five rational powers of the soul. For St. Nicetas the four main virtues are fundamental, which does not exclude the A.’s special attention to a number of other key virtues, such as humility and love. The doctrine of the four main virtues is missing from the corpus of St. Nicetas/St. Simeon the New Theologian, which more strongly emphasizes the more “school-like” and compilative nature of St. Stethatus’ heritage. The doctrines of Stethatus are considered in the context of ancient Byzantine literature.


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Author Biography

Dionisij (Shlenov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Professor of the Philology Department of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Shlenov Д. The Doctrine of St. Nicetas Stethatus on the ‘Four Main Virtues’ in the Context of Ancient Byzantine Literature. Part I. БВ 2020, 192–209.





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