The Question About the Interpretation of the Verse of John 14, 28: ‘My Father is more than Me’ — and his Permission in the Greek Patristic Tradition


  • Korobov Vladimir S. Moscow Theological Academy



The Gospel of John, derogatory passages, Manuel I Comnenus, interpretation of Holy Scripture, the human nature of the Savior


The article examines the history of interpretation of the passage from the Gospel of John: «My Father is greater than Me» (John 14, 28). The topic of the article is part of a study of the theological problems of the Councils of Constantinople in 1166 and 1170. The Church activities of the Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus were contradictory and did not exclude the intervention of latin theologians. The purpose of this article is to show the patristic understanding of the controversial place for the correct interpretation of the decisions of the Councils of Constantinople in 1166 and 1170. and their assessments from an Orthodox perspective. The structure of the article has a traditional rubrication, correlating to historical periods: ante-Nicene, Arian disputes of the 4th century, Christological disputes of the 5 th –7 th centuries, late Byzantine tradition. For theological analysis, Jn. 14, 28 we turn to the diachronous-synchronous method, which consists in studying the interpretations of the verse at different historical stages. The method is based on the analysis of fragments obtained by searching the database of Greek texts (The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae®). The most common interpretations of the verse «My Father is greater than Me» (John 14, 28) were triadological and Christological. The first meant that the Father is greater than the Son, as the Author of His existence. The second was explained in the context of the Economy and included two sides complementary to each other: The Savior means His human nature and at the same time implies the voluntary humiliation and belittling of His deity (kenosis).


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Author Biography

Korobov Vladimir S., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, Postgraduate student at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Korobov В. С. . The Question About the Interpretation of the Verse of John 14, 28: ‘My Father Is More Than Me’ — and His Permission in the Greek Patristic Tradition. БВ 2021, 90-108.





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