Circulation of St. Isaac of Nineveh’s Ascetical Homilies Outside the Church of the East. Part Two: Interpolation of Personal Names
Isaac the Syrian, Isaac of Nineveh, Diodore of Tharsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Evagrius Ponticus, church of the East, Nestorianism, syriac studies, heterodoxy, textologyAbstract
Isaac, bishop of Nineveh, belongs to the Church of the East’s most famous ascetic authors This three-part study explores the way how the First Part of his writings was adopted in other Syriac Christian communities. The second part analyzes variant readings of personal names of some important church figures in Isaac of Nineveh’s writings. Makarov uses all available Syriac manuscripts of East Syriac, West Syriac, and Chalcedonian Syriac origin, which initially contained the full text of the First Part, as well as its Greek and Arabic manuscripsts. Makarov seeks to reconstruct how the text changed as it crossed borders of different Christian communities. For that purpose, he explores variant readings of names of persons considered important in the Eastern Syriac tradition: Diodorus of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Evagrius Ponticus. When Isaac’s writings were adopted in other Syriac Christian communities, the names or titles of those persons were intentionally removed or altered in order to purge the original text from the elements viewed as heterodox by the copyists and translators. In the East Syriac texts, however, the original reading is always preserved. Makarov proposes a new classification of the Syriac manuscripts based on their origin and on forms of personal names they contain. He also clarifies the origin of some previously unattributed manuscripts and explains variation in the East Syriac manuscripts, which, as he argued, is due to the later Jacobite readers.
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