St. Symeon the New Theologian. Homilies 1, 2 of the corpus “33 Homilies” (Orationes [Dub.])

Critical text, translation from Greek, foreword by A. S. Tvorogov


  • Tvorogov A. S. Moscow Theological Academy


Symeon the New Theologian, Constantine Chrysomalus, critical text, ascetics, Messalians, Bogomils, Baptism, grace, Orationes


In this publication, the reader presented with an editio princeps of the Greek text and the Russian translation of the first two Homilies of the Corpus of 33 Homilies, which are attributed to the handwritten tradition of St. Simeon the New Theologian. The main theme of the Corpus is spiritual birth and growth of a Christian, his sanctification and transfiguration by divine grace. The Greek text and discrepancies are given on the basis of the six most important manuscripts, the earliest of which dates back to the late 11th - early 12th century. Attribution of some homilies (including, Homily 1 and 2) is questioned by modern researchers.


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Author Biography

Tvorogov A. S., Moscow Theological Academy

master’s program student in the Greek Christian literature profile in the department of Philology MThA


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How to Cite

Tvorogov А. С. St. Symeon the New Theologian. Homilies 1, 2 of the Corpus “33 Homilies” (Orationes [Dub.]) : Critical Text, Translation from Greek, Foreword by A. S. Tvorogov. БВ 2016, 379-406.



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