St. Cyril of Alexandria. Epistle to Calosirius, bishop of Arsino

Translated from the Greek, preface and notes by hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev)


  • Theodore (Yulaev), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy


Cyril of Alexandria, the Greek patristic, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphites, image of God, anthropology, Eucharist, asceticism


The publication completes the cycle of works of St. Cyril of Alexandria, whose cross-cutting theme is criticism of anthropomorphism. It consists of his short epistles addressed to one of the Egyptian bishops, where the Hierarch refutes the views of the anthropomorphites and solve other issues of theological and disciplinary nature. The preface recalls the anthropomorphites dispute held during St. Cyril's predecessor's time - Archbishop Theophilus of Alexandria. The preface also includes information about the epistles' adressee, gives an overview of its content, the manuscript tradition and publications.


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Author Biography

Theodore (Yulaev), hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

master of theology, МThА faculty member


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How to Cite

Yulaev Ф. St. Cyril of Alexandria. Epistle to Calosirius, Bishop of Arsino: Translated from the Greek, Preface and Notes by Hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev). БВ 2016, 367-377.



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