The texts private prayers published by the Moscow printing house of the XVII century. Part II. The idea of Canon-books during the searching stage for optimal contents (1636–1662)


  • Dalmat (Yudin), hieromonk


Moscow Printing house, Canon-books, Psalter with services, cell rule, the concept and structure of a cell rule


The second of a series of articles on the history of Cell-rules in the collections of the Moscow Printing house of the XVII century, describes the change in the contents of Canon-books, which were produced and compiled by editors in search of the optimum structure for this type of collection. The chronological framework covers publications from 1636 to 1662, to which we add the first edition of the Canon-book with an updated concept of what the contents should be (1672). Attention is also paid to the collection of texts of the cell-rule as part of the Psalter with services in pre-Nikonn era editions (1625-1651) and the first edition of the book after the Nikon's book reform (1660).


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Author Biography

Dalmat (Yudin), hieromonk

candidate of theology


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How to Cite

Yudin Д. The Texts Private Prayers Published by the Moscow Printing House of the XVII Century. Part II. The Idea of Canon-Books During the Searching Stage for Optimal Contents (1636–1662). БВ 2016, 338-366.