The Angelology of John Philoponus in the Treatise «De opificio mundi»: Philosophical and Theological Views


  • Nakaidze Alexander G. Moscow Theological Academy



Christian theology, teaching about angels, St. Basil the Great, John Philopon, Theodore of Mopsuestia, philosophy, essence, incorporeality, creation, pre-existence, unlimited, power, cosmogony


The article analyzes the teaching about angels of the outstanding Christian thinker, philosopher and theologian John Philopon (490-575), which is contained in his treatise “De opificio mundi” from the 8th Chapter to the 22nd inclusive. We consider his views on the preexistence, disembodied, and unlimited spiritual beings in the human understanding. Philoponus, as a former Neoplatonist, tries to take into account the philosophical developments of any views on the question of the existence of angels. In addition to analysis, the method is used by comparing the various interpretations of philoponus and His main opponent Theodore of Mopsuestia (350-428). In the course of this work, the sides of John’s teaching that particularly reveal his inclination to Aristotelian philosophy are shown. Among other things, the text is important because it quotes the views of Theodore of Mopsuestia, which are lost in the original and preserved by Philoponus.


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Author Biography

Nakaidze Alexander G., Moscow Theological Academy

postgraduate student of the Department of Philology, Moscow Theological Academy
141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, Academy



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How to Cite

Nakaidze А. Г. The Angelology of John Philoponus in the Treatise «De Opificio mundi»: Philosophical and Theological Views. БВ 2020, 154–187.



