Saint Cyril of Alexandria. To Queens: on the true faith. Part I (chapter 1–20)

Translation by priest Basil Dmitriev. Edition, preface and commentary by hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev)


  • Dmitriev Basil, priest
  • Theodore (Yulaev), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy


St. Cyril of Alexandria, New Testament, patristics, patristic exegesis, polemical literature, Christology, soteriology, Nestorianism, Ecumenical Councils, patristic florilegia, pseudoepigraphs


This publication constitutes the Russian translation of the introductory part of the extensive polemical treatise of St. Cyril of Alexandria, part of the group of dogmatic messages “On the Right Faith”. The foreword informs about the circumstances of the writing of the treatise, examines the content of its introductory part and gives a brief overview of its publications and ancient translations. In the comments to the translation, special attention is paid to the attribution of works quoted by the saint in patristic florilegia, which is presented in theintroductory part of the treatise.


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Author Biography

Theodore (Yulaev), hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

lecturer at the Philology department MThA


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How to Cite

Dmitriev В.; Yulaev Ф. Saint Cyril of Alexandria. To Queens: On the True Faith. Part I (chapter 1–20) : Translation by Priest Basil Dmitriev. Edition, Preface and Commentary by Hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev). БВ 2017, 435-467.



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