“Go, teach all nations…”: Christ and the disciples in Matthew's Gospel


  • Philotheus (Artyushin), hiermonk Moscow Theological Academy


the Gospel according to Matthew, narrative analysis, text, strategy, apostles, follow Christ, disciple, teacher, church, faith


The A. of the article poses the question about what the ideal of a learned monk is. The relationship of a Christian teacher, who sets an example worthy of emulation and his disciple, is considered by the A. in comparison to the relationship found in the gospel of Matthew between Christ as teacher and the Apostles as disciples, all in the context of narrative analysis. The essence of this discipleship is to imitate Christ, who is Meek and Humble of heart (Mt. 11, 29): in incessant spiritual growth, in completing the evangelical school of humility, in self-denial and following the Master on the path of suffering. A clear illustration of this, from the hermeneutic point of view, is the path of the reader, gradually taking root in this teaching and becoming a true disciple of Christ in the process of attentive and proаctive reading of the Gospel narrative. The A. explains the choice of this gospel by the fact that the ideal picture of the educational process that produces visible results is absent from the other evangelists, while in Matthew it becomes the focus of many theological themes characteristic of the evangelist: “church of the few”, lack of faith, righteousness, mercy, unity of the two Testaments. The article also deals with the historical realities that led to the emergence of the Gospel as such and theological peculiarities affecting the ideal of the disciple.


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Author Biography

Philotheus (Artyushin), hiermonk, Moscow Theological Academy

doctor of Theology, assistant professor, lecturer at the Biblical Studies department MThA


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How to Cite

Artyushin Ф. “Go, Teach All nations…”: Christ and the Disciples in Matthew’s Gospel. БВ 2017, 21-55.



Biblical studies
