The contemporary method of narrative analysis and the possibility of its use in the Orthodox Christian Bible Studies


  • Philotheus (Artyushin), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy



Bible studies, narrative analysis, Narrative Theology, Descriptive Theology


This publication is an essay about the successful application of the contemporary method of narrative analysis. The A. looks at Western Bible studies from the point of view of the orthodox Christian exegetical tradition. The A. describes the main representatives, movements, and techniques of the narrative approach; he also emphasizes the advantage this method has in Bible studies over a historico-critical, and fundamentalist reading. The author concludes that this use of the Western narrative analysis has great potential for reading the Bible, if it is accompanied by commentary of the Holy Fathers. This is important in our days because of the potential of the so-called Narrative Theology which is rooted in the descriptive nature of the Theology of Eastern orthodox Christianity.


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Author Biography

Philotheus (Artyushin), hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

doctor of Theology, lector at Мoscow Theological Аcademy


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How to Cite

Artyushin Ф. The Contemporary Method of Narrative Analysis and the Possibility of Its Use in the Orthodox Christian Bible Studies. БВ 2015, 23-55.



Biblical studies
