Representations of the “royal way” in Byzantine theology and ascetics: On the example of st. Nicetas Stethatus's teaching about the soul's movement to God


  • Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy


path, soul, king and royal, extremes, measure, middle, Philo of Alexandria, dogmatics, asceticism, Byzantine Empire, st. Nicetas Stethatus


The article deals with the usage of the phrase “the royal way” (ἡ βασιλικὴ ὁδός) in Greek Christian literature. This phrase goes back, on the one hand, to the ancient ideas of proportionality, on the other hand, it has a purely Biblical origin (see Numbers 20, 17). Having received a vivid revelation in the exegesis of Philo of Alexandria, it turned out to be more than in demand in expounding the dogmatic and ascetic teachings of the Church as a royal path in order to avoid doctrinal or moral extremes. A detailed description of the soul’s path from the Byzantine ascetic author of the 11th century the monk Nicetras Stethatus can be interpreted as a continuation of the theme of the royal path: not so much as a path between extremes, but as the only ideal path leading to God.


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Author Biography

Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of Theology, professor in the department of Philology MThA, head of the Moscow Theological Academy's Library


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How to Cite

Shlenov Д. Representations of the “royal way” in Byzantine Theology and Ascetics: On the Example of St. Nicetas Stethatus’s Teaching about the soul’s Movement to God. БВ 2017, 355-391.





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