Sabbath of the law and the mercy of the Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12, 1–8): On the question of the theology of the “two testaments” in the Gospel of Matthew


  • Philotheus (Artyushin), hiermonk Moscow Theological Academy


Gospel of Matthew, Sabbath, law, Old Testament, New Testament, unity, mercy, salvation, rabbinic exegesis, Pharisees, Judaism, narrative analysis, text, reader, biblical theology, hermeneutics, dialectics, pragmatics


The problem of the relationship between the Old and New Testaments is one of the most promising, but little studied directions of modern biblical theology. Interest in this topic is due primarily to a certain skepticism in the scientific community when trying to consider in detail and give a detailed justification for the theme of the unity of the two Covenants. In this article, the question of unity is examined on the example of the gospel passage (Mt. 12, 1-8), in which theology and the hermeneutics of the worship of the Sabbath are a recurring theme. Based on Jewish and Christian sources, as well as Matthew’s gospel as a coherent and consistent story, the A. comes to the conclusion that the teaching of Christ does not abolish ancient legislation, but elevates it to the height of God’s original plan for man. Its meaning is in charity as a fundamental principle in the dialectic of divine-human relationships, an example of which is the mutual conditioning and complementary character of the Old and New Testaments in the economy of salvation.


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Author Biography

Philotheus (Artyushin), hiermonk, Moscow Theological Academy

doctor of Theology, assistant professor, instructor in the department of Biblical Studies at Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Artyushin Ф. Sabbath of the Law and the Mercy of the Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12, 1–8): On the Question of the Theology of the “two testaments” in the Gospel of Matthew. БВ 2017, 223-278.



Biblical studies
