On the right faith to queens. Part 2 (chapters 21–132)

Translated from Ancient Greek by priest Basil Dmitriev; edited, introduction, forward and notes by hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev)


  • Theodore (Yulaev), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy
  • Dmitriev Basil, priest Moscow Theological Academy




st. Cyril of Alexandria, the New Testament, patristics, patristic exegesis, polemical literature, Christology, soteriology, Nestorianism


This is a continuation of the publication of the translation of St. Cyril’s of Alexandria Christological treatise. The first section of its main part, containing a commentary on selected places of the New Testament, is presented. The foreword gives an overview of the contents of the main part of the treatise. The notes to the translation reflect the features of the biblical quotations, they indicate the places quoted in later written monuments, and point out some aspects of the theological teaching of st. Cyril.


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Author Biography

Theodore (Yulaev), hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

instructor at Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Yulaev Ф.; Dmitriev В. On the Right Faith to Queens. Part 2 (chapters 21–132): Translated from Ancient Greek by Priest Basil Dmitriev; Edited, Introduction, Forward and Notes by Hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev). БВ 2018, 227-280.



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