Theological and Exegetical Foundations of some Translation Solutions in BTD (Based on the Gospel of Mark). Part II


  • Nil (Lazarenco), monk Orthodoxe Mönchsskite des Heiligen Spyridon



the Gospel, translation, German language, e Gospel in Slavonic and Russian translations, exegesis, Byzantine text, semantics, grammar, textual variants, Aramaic influence on the language of Mark


The article continues the analysis of the new German translation of the Four Gospels in the Byzantine tradition (BTD). This time a number of passages from the Gospel of Mark are considered. Through comparison with other modern Gospel translations difficult passages are identified and discussed. Russian readers get the opportunity to acquaint themselves with interpretations contained (sometimes latently) in the NANTG text and its translations into the West European languages. Special attention is devoted to the problem of Semitic (especially, Aramaic) background of some Markan expressions. Issues of grammar, text-criticism, and theology are discussed. Differences among the modern Russian translations are noted and evaluated. The article shows some strong points of the Byzantine textual tradition in comparison to the NANTG text.


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Author Biography

Nil (Lazarenco), monk, Orthodoxe Mönchsskite des Heiligen Spyridon

Orthodoxe Mönchsskite des Heiligen Spyridon

Lahnstraße 31, 56379 Geilnau, Germany



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How to Cite

Lazarenco Н. Theological and Exegetical Foundations of Some Translation Solutions in BTD (Based on the Gospel of Mark). Part II. БВ 2021, 54-73.



Biblical studies
