Lavra and the Academy in the paschal days of 1918 (diary entries of 15.04.1918–28.04.1918)

Published by hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov), V. L. Shlenov


  • Belyaev A. D. Moscow Theological Academy
  • Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy
  • Shlenov V. L.



Easter, Revolution of 1917, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Moscow Theological Academy, Theological Education, Patriarchate, Patriarch Tikhon, Protection of the Mother of God, Hunger, Bolsheviks, Treason, Sergiev Posad


We are continuing our publication of excerpts from the "Diaries" of MThA Professor A. D. Belyayev. This publication presents diary entries made during the Passion and Bright Week of 1918. Based on the memoirs of A. D. Belyaev, it is possible to reconstruct the unique flavour of the pre-Easter and Easter days of the first year in the post-revolutionary period - one of the most difficult in the history of Sergiev Posad, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Moscow Theological Schools and the numerous churches of the city and its other sacred sites. The central event of this fragment is the description of the arrival of the Most Holy Patriarch Tikhon in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.It was St. Tikhon who pointed out to his flock the providential and educational character of the revolutionary events that were given to the people for correction. The A. left a number of valuable comments on the life of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Moscow Theological Academy in those days. His observations are also significant in terms of local history. Since the professor made his diary entries for private use and not for publication he expounded the material without internal censorship. The publication of this fragment of diaries is important for studying both the history of our Fatherland as a whole, and the history of the Russian Church and the Moscow Theological Academy in particular.


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Author Biography

Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

Associate Professor at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Belyaev А. Д.; Shlenov Д.; Shlenov В. Л. Lavra and the Academy in the Paschal Days of 1918 (diary Entries of 15.04.1918–28.04.1918): Published by Hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov), V. L. Shlenov. БВ 2018, 283-302.



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