Saint Nicetas Stethatus. From the third century of the epistles. To Athanasius the hegumen of the All-Holy Monastery on the canons

Translation from Ancient Greek and notes by hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov)


  • Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy



repentance, Studite monastery, Messalian, canons of the Church, oikonomia/condescension, akribeia/severity, st. Nicetas Stethatus, monasticism of Constantinople


The readers are invited to direct their attention to the Russian translation of correspondence between St. Nicetas Stethatus and the hegumen of the monastery of the All-Holy (Savior) Athanasius, dedicated to the issues of penitential discipline. Contrary to some “wise men” Nicetas is trying to describe the “royal path” of true repentance, on the one hand, extremely strict, but, on the other, based on the principle of condescension. In the very strict bylaws and life of the Studite Monastery, where Nicetas was a monk in the XI century, a particularly gentle penitential discipline was introduced for those who repent, who quickly achieved spiritual success under the guidance of an experienced spiritual father. The published text lists all sources and biblical allusions.


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Author Biography

Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

candidate of theology, professor at department of Philology MThA, head of library MThA


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How to Cite

Shlenov Д. Saint Nicetas Stethatus. From the Third Century of the Epistles. To Athanasius the Hegumen of the All-Holy Monastery on the Canons: Translation from Ancient Greek and Notes by Hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov). БВ 2018, 300-318.



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