Last days of 1918 in the memoirs of A. D. Belyaev
A publication of hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov), V. L. Shlenov
Moscow Theological Academy, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Nativity, Pokrovsky Academic Church, October Revolution, Soviet regime, famine, BolsheviksAbstract
The publication offers a fragment from the diaries of a professor of dogmatic theology MThA A. D. Belyaev, which describes the last days of 1918 and the first two days of 1919 old style. In sufficiently brief, but expressive diary entries, the author manages to tell a lot, to convey the spirit and flavor of that difficult time in a few words. The central event described is the celebration of Nativity in the Pokrovsky Academic Church, which at that time remained the inner spiritual bulwark of the already largely ruined Academy. The description of the sermons and ministry of Archimandrite Hilarion (Troitsky) makes it possible even better to present his role in preserving the Moscow Theological Academy in the difficult times of its existence.
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Отчет о состоянии Московской духовной академии в 1917-1918 учебном году // БВ. 1918. Т. 2. № 6-9. С. 1-19.
мая 1917 г. в «Дневниках» профессора догматики МДА А. Д. Беляева / Публ. В. Л. Шленова, П. А. Туркина // БВ. 2017. № 24-25. Вып. 1-2. С. 617-628.
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