Saint Nicetas Stethatus. About Studite traditions: “On the cincture of Studite deacons”, “On kissing with hands”, “On the degrees of ‘But deigned hallelujah’”

Translation from Ancient Greek, introductory article and commentary by hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov)


  • Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy



In the translation of three small liturgical writings of st. Nicetas Stethatus (XI century) - On the orarions of Studite deacons, On kissing with hands, On the degrees of “But deigned hallelujah” - important ascetic-theological thoughts are expressed: about the need for feats, the acquisition of the virtues of humility and love and spiritual ascent through chanting hymns to God. The belt is a symbol of abstinence, the kissing of a virtuous life, the singing - a symbol of spiritual ascent and bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven. The introductory article to the translationgives a brief overview of these essays and attempts to determine their main patristic context.


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Author Biography

Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Professor of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy, Head of the Library of the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Shlenov Д. Saint Nicetas Stethatus. About Studite Traditions: “On the Cincture of Studite deacons”, “On Kissing With hands”, “On the Degrees of ‘But Deigned hallelujah’”: Translation from Ancient Greek, Introductory Article and Commentary by Hegumen Dionysius (Shlenov). БВ 2018, 312-330.



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