The Evolution of Light Images in the Works of I. S. Shmelev


  • Makarov Denis V. Moscow Theological Academy



Russian literature, cultural studies, The art of Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev, light images, evolution of light images, light image in the Orthodox cultural tradition


The main purpose of the study is to disclose the evolution of light images in the works of I. S. Shmelev. The paper uses comparative-historical method and the method of philological analysis. To achieve this goal, light images in the writer’s prose in the period from 1895 to 1937 are analyzed. The most important results of the study: the artistic thinking of Ivan Shmelev was initially associated with the images of light; natural light prevails in the early works, which is identified with positive beginnings of life; since the period of World War One Evangelical image of spiritual light appears in the artistic world of Shmelev - «light in darkness»; the works of Shmelev written after 1917 show how spiritual light opens to the protagonist on the verge of earthly existence, usually in the face of death. The significance of the main results of the study is that it highlights the process of light images evolution in the works of I. S. Shmelev and reveals the deep rootedness of the writer in the Orthodox cultural tradition.


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Author Biography

Makarov Denis V., Moscow Theological Academy

Doctor of cultural science, Associate Professor of Philology of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Makarov Д. В. The Evolution of Light Images in the Works of I. S. Shmelev. БВ 2021, 257-278.



Russian spiritual literature
