Pushkin’s Anniversary of 1899 on the Pages of the Moscow Theological Academy’s Journal ‘Theological Herald
A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, F. M. Dostoevsky, Theological Herald, Moscow Theological Academy, reception, literary reputation, criticism, writer’s anniversary, church periodicalsAbstract
The article examines the materials of the journal of the Moscow Theological Academy (MThA) — «Theological Herald», related to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin. An analysis of the publications presented in the Theological Herald allows us to identify the strategies of critical reception of the poet’s personality and artistic heritage outlined in them: the authors of the articles interpret Pushkin's work as the pinnacle of Russian literature and strive to cement in the minds of the modern reader the idea of Pushkin as a great national poet. The study of materials about Pushkin, published in 1899 on the pages of the "Theological Herald" and reflects the attitude towards the personality and work of the poet, which is most characteristic of the scientific-theological and church environment. This will help clarify the issue of Pushkin's reception in criticism at the turn of the century, as well as identifying patterns in the construction of literary reputations of the writer celebrating his or her anniversary.
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