Arguments in De Opificio Mundi by John Philopon, Testifying to the Probable Belonging to him ‘Areopagitic’
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, John Philoponus, «De opificio mundi», John of Scythopolis, Maximus the Confessor, Proclus Diadochus, theology, Neoplatonism, Christology, God-like nature, Corpus AreopagiticumAbstract
Comparing the works of the outstanding Byzantine thinker John Philoponus (or Grammaticus) (~ 490–575) with the Areopagite corpus is not an easy task. The significance of the latter for Byzantine theological-philosophical and late medieval thought is difficult to overestimate. It is not easy to summarize all the richness of the ideological content of these multi-faceted works. This is also indicated by the abundance of comments created for them at different times. This study examines mainly the similarity of the theological and philosophical concepts of John Philoponus and the «Areopagiticus» and its traces in the treatise «De opificio mundi». The Christological controversies reflected there are also partly affected. It turns out that the corpus «Areopagiticus» belongs to Philoponus by selective analysis of the work «De opificio mundi». These works deal with elements that are closest to neo-Platonic philosophy (especially the views of Proclus). It is shown that it is through this that the greatest similarity is manifested.
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