Documentary Hypothesis of the Pentateuch’s Origin in the Works of Gerhard von Rad


  • Khangireev Ilya A. St. Tikhon’s University of Humanities



Bible theology, Gerhard von Rad, documentary hypothesis, Pentateuch, Hexateuch, deuteronomical history, Bible criticism, Elohist, Yahwist, Priestly source, Deuteronomist


The paper is devoted to the role of the documentary hypothesis in the theology of Lutheran theologian and biblical scholar Gerhard von Rad (1901–1971). The article is preceded by a brief history of the documentary hypothesis and the main views of the predecessors of von Rad, such as J. Wellhausen, H. Gunkel, and A. Alt. The introduction is followed by a review and critical analysis of the main works of von Rad related to this hypothesis (his first programmatic opus «The Form-Critical Problem of the Hexateuch», commentaries on the books of Genesis and Deuteronomy, and the first volume of his fundamental work «Theology of the Old Testament»). Due to the large volume of his works and the limited volume of the paper, only the most important, vivid, and controversial theses of von Rad are analyzed. The author makes a general assessment of von Rad’s works and compares his thoughts with the traditional Orthodox approach. This analysis points to the conclusion that von Rad was an outstanding biblical scholar and prominent theologian of his time, but was not an innovator of the documentary hypothesis,
and just followed his predecessors. Despite being controversial, von Rad’s treatises may provide interesting material for modern Old Testament scholars. The article is accompanied by an appendix — a table of von Rad’s layout of the text of the Pentateuch according to its sources, which may be useful in comparing his views with the ideas of other representatives of the documentary hypothesis.


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Author Biography

Khangireev Ilya A., St. Tikhon’s University of Humanities

начальник научно-административного отдела богословского факультета ПСТГУ
127051, Москва, Лихов пер., д. 6, стр. 1


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How to Cite

Khangireev И. А. Documentary Hypothesis of the Pentateuch’s Origin in the Works of Gerhard Von Rad. БВ 2020, 47-70.



Biblical studies
