P. P. Pokryshkin — The Founder of the «Artistic-Archeological» Restoration Method


  • Nikitina Anastasia A. Moscow Theological Academy




cultural heritage, church art, Petr Petrovich Pokryshkin, restoration of architecture, restoration of painting, «artistic-archaeological», approach to restoration, «iconographic» approach to restoration, scientific «archaeological» approach to restoration, theory of restoration, principles of restoration


This article attempts to give the most complete description of the restoration approach of the leading restorer of the Russian Empire, academician of architecture Pyotr Petrovich Pokryshkin (1870–1922). The main direction of his activity was the restoration of architectural monuments and paintings. P.P. Pokryshkin, as a restorer-practitioner, did not leave behind a theoretical treatise in which he would set out in detail and systematically the ideological foundations of his own restoration approach, in particular, the goals, objectives and principles of restoration, unlike European restoration theorists. Therefore, the article discusses the main restoration works of the master, which are interesting from the point of view of the transformation and development of his scientific views; analyzed some publications of P. P. Pokryshkin; briefly described the principles and methods by which he was guided; studied the conceptual aspect of his activities in the field of restoration of architectural monuments and paintings; the characteristic of P. P. Pokryshkin’s approach to assessing the value of cultural heritage and to restoration is given; and also studied his contribution to the domestic theory of restoration, which is the main goal of this article, and a number of other issues.


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Author Biography

Nikitina Anastasia A., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, MA in Law; postgraduate student at the Postgraduate School of the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Nikitina А. А. P. P. Pokryshkin — The Founder of the «Artistic-Archeological» Restoration Method. БВ 2023, 293-317.



Church Art
