«Distance» in the Theology of J.-L. Marion


  • Solonchenko Alexander A. Moscow Theological Academy




Marion, Balthazar, Levinas, modern theology, God, post-metaphysical theology, distance, distance of God


 The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of «distance» in the theological project of J.-L. Marion. The author conducts a comparative analysis of Marion’s views with the ideas of E. Levinas and H. U. von Balthasar. The first part gives a description of the idea of the infinite and the concept of «the Other» by Levinas. The second part of the article analyzes the concept of distance in Balthazar's theology, identifies four different levels of use of this concept. The third part of the article reveals the main meanings, goals and purposes of the concept of «distance» in Marion, shows the similarities and differences with the ideas of Levinas and Balthazar. The author comes to the conclusion that for all three thinkers’ «distance» is not a spatial category that indicates a radical difference, the ontological otherness of the poles between which it «lies». In addition to the four levels at which Balthazar applies «distance», Marion uses this category to develop the method of iconic theology. Here «distance» is intended to show the irreducibility of God to any rational teachings about Him. At this level, Marion's «distance» plays the same role as Balthazar’s «analogy of being», but in comparison with the «analogy of being», «distance» puts more emphasis on the dissimilarity of the poles.


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Author Biography

Solonchenko Alexander A., Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Solonchenko А. А. «Distance» in the Theology of J.-L. Marion. БВ 2022, 85-95.



Theology and philosophy
